Bio-Life sera exceptionnellement fermé le jeudi 9 mai et le vendredi 10 mai.
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sparkling tirelessly in the body

Enzymes are the catalysers of the living world. They considerably speed up (bio)chemical reactions which would normally take a very long time without a catalyser. They are needed for digesting food, stimulating the brain, providing cellular energy and draining toxics from all tissues, organs, and cells. Enzymes are an integral part of the digestive process. As soon as food enters the mouth the enzymes get to work, breaking down the food into ever-smaller pieces until they are absorbed by the intestinal walls. These enzymes come from two sources: the food itself and the human body. Modern food-processing techniques and all kinds of cooking destroy practically 100% of natural food enzymes.
be life® food supplements guarantee our bodies the presence of these valid allies for our wellbeing.